Reflections of an Artist: Round like a C
As I grew older puberty set in along with all of the hormonal changes females go through and I got sick of being referred to as "the girl with the big butt" in High School. No one knew me by my name. I was aways referred to either as twin and when someone said which twin they replied "The one with the big butt". My name is Charece I wanted to scream. I have a name. I felt like no one took me seriously. I even went out with a guy who seemed to only like me for my butt. I vowed that when I got older I would get a but reduction to put an end to the ridicule and negative attention. I was sick of being the girl with the big butt. I was sick of being groped and grind on in the lunch lines. I dreaded walking pass a group of guys because I could feel them looking at my behind followed by remarks like "Sheesh" or" Damn". I was gonna put an end to this thing once and for all.
Later on in college I subscribed to this magazine since I love clothing and wonderful photography. One day while reading the magazine I came across a Nike ad with a poem called "My Butt" . This poem made me feel so powerful. It reminded me of the times when I was a kids and I'd lash back at my classmates and others who dare to say anything about my "hump". It made me feel proud to be a black women with curves. Proud to have all this booty, junk in the trunk, donkey, cake, whatever you wanna call it. I love my Big Ole Butt :)~
To read this poem click on image to make larger.
"My Butt is big and thats just fine and those who might scorn it are invited to kiss it"~ Nike