Monday, March 30, 2009
Reflections of an Artist: You Think You Know But You Have No Idea!
RULES: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, and/or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. WRITE ONE so I can read yours while I'm bored at work.
1. I absolutely hate it when random men call me sexy... I'm so not flattered;I understand that that's a characteristic of me but in not my name so please stop.
2. I have a thing for nerdy, dorky men...their nerdism does something to me
3. I hate it when men that I percieve as nerdy or dorky turn out to be normal pigheaded men after all, it ruins everything smh.
4. I have a really bad habit that I'm trying to break right now but I never tell u what it is (wink) well maybe it's not thaat bad lol.
6. I loooove electronic music, but I can never listen to it around my peers cause they think im weird for liking it smh. (well ladies get use to it cause I'm gonna be blasting it in the car pretty soon.)
7. When angry, I play random scenes in my head of me getting revenge on the people who make me mad.
8. Umm as you can see by #7, I'm a bit of a dork!
9. I love sponatneity, it gives me a rush like no other!
10. I'd say about 75% of my day consist of me daydreaming and fantasizing about different things.
11. I have a mild case of obsseive compulsive disorder and can't sleep when things are out of place, it drives me absolutely insane (okay maybe its not that mild after all).
12. I love to be in control of almost everything most of the time; others time I can just sit back and let someone else get there hands dirty.
13. Many people don't know this by looking at me... but I be very sensitive at times. There's been times when I've broken down in cried in front of total strangers (Melissa, Robyn shut up, dont u dare bring that up.)
14. I'm a cry baby and I been this way for a long time and crying has gotten me almost everything I've wanted at the time, but I swear to you, I do not cry just to get my way; it's just something I can't control.
15. People say i'm bossy, but I honestly think that things go better when I'm in control of the situation.
16. The last couple of statements may make you think I'm a B!t@$ but I'm really a caring indiviual who carries the weight of others on my shoulders (tear).
17. I still sing in front of the mirror with a brush as a microphone and pretend I'm famous lol!
18. I can sometimes come across as serious and uptight but I'm really a child at heart.( so I was told by a 7 yr. old lol can u believe it?)
19. (Bashful) I have a bit of a crush on one of the people I've tagged in this note.
20. I talk so much trash but can only back it up 45 % of the time.
21. I'm very self-conscious about my butt and wish people would just get over the fact that it's's been big for 25 years leave it alone gosh.
22. I've always wanted to travel back in time into the 70's and wear a big afro and sexy tight clothing like Pam Grier.
23. I love making people feel nervous (there goes that control issue again, sorry).
24. I would love to meet a guy who I can be buddies with and still be in a romantic relationship with too(guys are so uptight these days ugh).
25. Wish I could get in the minds of men to see what they're really thinking; sometimes I think it's all a facade, it's gotta be they can't be that complicated.
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12:53 PM