So for the past couple of years I've been having this dry spell, no I'm not talking about sex but art and by dry I'm referring to the ink medium in which I use to create my lino cut prints. I've had a few ideas that I jot down every now and then but recently I've been having this strong desire to create with ideas and thoughts coming to me and cluttering my mind all at once. I was sick of being blessed with this gift and feeling helpless as to what I should do, so I asked God to guide my thoughts and make it plain as to what I want to communicate through my work. While alone in my room I begin to see visions of what of the pieces I wanted to create. I can't really describe it now, I'll probably have an actually Artist Statement up soon about it, but here are some sketches of how I want my prints to look.

This is a sketch of the center of one of my pieces, I haven't worked on the outer design yet.

Here is a sketch of another one of the pieces,
the outer design you see will be transferred to each corner of the linoleum block.
close up of outer design...
One of the references I used to draw the male figure... 
now all I have to do is transfer this image...
and carve it into this linoleum block in order to print it on to paper. 

Some reference I've been using. Stay Tuned.