Thursday, February 8, 2007

Reflections of an Artist: My B-Day

Today I turned 24yrs old. Thank God for yet another year of life. Seems like just the other day I was so hype to be 21 and before that 18 and before that 16. They say "your only as old as you feel", well I still feel like I did when I was 18. It seem like when you where younger, you lived free, and the world was in the plam of your hands. You could relax take you time and do whatever it was you wanted to do, no rush, no pressure. Umh, but all that changes when you get further up in age. Now it's a "race to the finish line." It's like you have to get all these things accomplished, like get married, or have kids, by a house etc. etc. and you only have a limited time to get it all done. You hear the older folks say when I was you age I was pregnant with my third child, and I was married at this time, and so forth and so on. Well today I'm going to take the time out and thank God for all the many years he's blessed me with. Today I'm going to reflect on the things I have accomplished and keep in mind the things that I hope to accomplish in the furture but for now I'm enjoying me, because "I'm in no rush"!
Mood: Relaxed



Anonymous said...

Dont ever be in a rush to do anything that OTHER people expect of is YOUR life and YOUR time..noone else's.Bc i know exactly what you mean about growing up and feeling pressured..ALL of my best friends either have kids or are pregnant closest one just got pregnant and they arent even married and i have family and friends all "well..when are you gonna have kids?" and for the longest time i kept wanting to do it until i realized i didnt wanna do it for me i wanted to do it to fit in and be a part of what everyone else is doing..HOW STUPID! well..i learned that im not being pressured into anything until im ready..and neither should you..noone are doing amazing work and doing what you love never change that and everything else will always fall into place when God has it planned for you.HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i do wish though that we were still like 11,lol,but,you cant fight getting older you can only thank God that you have the chance to get older..have a great b-day!

Charece said...

Thanx Melissa!

The Cocoa Lounge said...

Happy belated, Charece!

That's a great approach to have to life: steady and sure. You're so young anyway, you have a whooooooole lot more living to do.

As somebody who's a couple years ahead let me tell you--the only person who can live your life to the fullest is YOU. You've already got the right idea.

Charece said...

Thanx Cocoa Lounge, I appreciate the encouraging words!