Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Eutopia Moments:Do You!

Although there are some people who are absolutely content with the lives they live their are others who would perfer to live it another way. But let's face it, we all have the desire to find true love and settle down with that special person and "live happily ever after". For some of us this desire can be very strong and can become even stronger as we find ourselves at certain points and circumstances in our lives. Maybe it's at a wedding when you find yourself wishing it were you walking down the isle or at a baby shower as the happy mother to be opens up all of her little presents fit for a little baby. You begin to comtemplate how your life would be if you could too share in this joy of becoming a wife or a mother, or a husband and a father or what ever it is that you desire to be.
Some people become so driven by this desire that they rush into certain "situations" to fill this void, which wounds up becoming "more than they've bargined for" if you will. We settle for whatever saying things like "it's better than nothing" or "im getting older not younger" and we rush our lives away because we feel we have something to prove thinking things will get better with time. This ultimately set us up for failure and before we know it we're digging a bigger and bigger hole for oursleves because we thought that these were the things that would make us happy.
I'm here to say as a young women dealing with some of the same "issues" forget about all that whopla and DO YOU. Think about all the time you have for "you" that you wouldn't otherwise get having to deal with kids or a spouse. Think about this moment in which you find yourself right now putting aside all the "what ifs" and live in the now. Treat yourself to an invigorating spa treatment, plan a vacation, do all the things you couldn't possibly have done had you not been young, sexy and single no matter what age you are. Don't dwell on the things you don't have and make sure to put you as your top piority. Take the time out for you and all of your hearts desires will fall into place. It's only natural for one to feel this way. That's what make us decendents of Adam who too longed for the companionship of another being. All that's fine and dandy but for now just DO YOU!
Mood: Euphoric
"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”
~Frederick Keonig

1 comment:

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

doing u is always better with some one to do u with

my 2 cents
thanks for the drive by sister hope u return and loved what u read