Reflections of and Artist: Choose or Be Chosen? That is the Question.

Think about it; you and your friend are planning a girl's night. You get your hair done, shave your legs, paint your toes, dress up in your flyest outfit, put your make-up on, and you're smelling all good and scrumptious; You've got on your best everything (ladies y'all know what I'm talking about; when you put on you good panties and bras which nobody is even going to see) but you do it just because you want to look good from head to toe, and good God you're looking fierce. You do all this because it makes you feel glamorous and vivacious but being a single woman with time to kill, you also do it to possibly attract the eye of a handsome fellow. I know that was a corny way of putting it but hey. Ladies am I right or am I wrong?
After giving it much thought I said to myself, why the heck should I have to stand around waiting on a man to approach me because he likes what he sees. Why can't I approach a man because I like what I see? If we as women stand around waiting for these men to make the first move we'll be waiting forever, and it seems like most of the time the ones who do make a move are the ones you say to yourself "please do not come over here boo" . Ladies we work to hard to look this good all to be "chosen" So I ask the question what would you prefer, to Choose or be Chosen?
from a man's perspective...i think i'd prefer to be approached by a woman. men love women with confidence and swagger. if you approach a man, that's what you'll be exuding. i'm all for that.
great post charece.
happy thanksgiving
Hey Fellow Philadelphian...As a guy
I really like to be the chooser,I like to approach the woman, but I must admit...there have been times when I have really liked being approached...gave my ego a big boost.
Great post Charece...
Hope you had a joyous and happy Thanksgiving.
Thanks for the input guys, I'll be sure to keep that in mind next time.
@ 12Kyle: I've been told that by many men;that they love to be approached by a woman.
@Keith: I'm all for giving a man a ego boost from time to time.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all as well!
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