Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Reflections of an Artist: I Am Art and Art is Me!

As an artist I sometimes feel lost in it all! Sometimes I don't always believe in myself as an artist and I see all these wonderful artists out there who know how to market themselves a go for what they want. Me on the other hand..., Sometimes I ask God why wasn't I born with a different gift something where I could make a ton of money, but then I realize I could never truly be happy doing something that I wasn't passionate about and that's art. How could I ever deny that. I've been and artist since the day I picked up a pencil, or when I got sick of the clothes my dolls wore and starting making them new ones. I am art and art is me point blank period. Mood: Inspired!

"I've aways been an artist it's apart of my DNA." ~ Kadir Nelson

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