Creative Juices: Work in Progress!

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6:53 PM
Today I had the opportunity to see the movie/musical Dream Girls with my sister and a few of my friends and I LOVED IT. The music was great, the acting was great, and their costumes where off the hook. Jennifer Hudson gave a phenomenal performance playing the part of Effie. She was the character you kind of hated in the beginning and fell in love with in the end. Not only can she sing but the girl can act. She brought me to tears, especially when she sung that song "You're Gonna Love Me" (I think that's what it's called). She was hands down the best actor in that film. I mean she was so good the whole movie audience clapped for her on numerous occasions during the film. If you ask me and probably everyone else who's seen the film, she deserves to walk away with a few Oscars, not one, but a few.
Jamie Foxx's role was a little different from what we're use to seeing him portray on screen. His character was the most hated character. Eddie Murphy was hilarious as usual. Beyonce was okay. She didn't give anything extra that we haven't already seen her do in her other films like Gold Member and Pink Panther. I was little disappointed with her performance since she was nominated for best actor and we saw her on almost every show possible promoting the movie as if she was gonna give this outstanding performance.
I must say I was a little apprehensive about the film at first, thinking that maybe the media gave it a little too much credit and hyped it up, but it was fantastic. There weren't any moments in the movie where all the action kind of died down and you where left wanting more. It was great from beginning to end. I'm not gonna go into detail about everything for those of you who haven't seen it yet( shame on you!) but all I can say is that I've waited so long for this movie and it was all that and more. Go see this movie! Mood: Excited
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5:17 PM
Posted by
12:00 PM
Ever since I was a kid I loved watching old African-American motion pictures from the 50's 60's and 70's. Films starring people like Dorothy Dandridge, Harry Belafonte, Sidney Poitier, Diahann Carroll, Lena Horne, Lola Falana, Tamara Dobson etc. I enjoyed hearing them sing, watching them act, and the seeing their hair styles and the clothes they wore back then. Clothes so inspiring that even the most noted fashion designers can't help but to recreate them all over again today. Sometimes I hardly ever knew what the movie was about back then. All I knew was that I loved seeing all the beautiful faces that looked like me and the way these movies capture their true essence and undeniable beauty. Back then you saw "True Beauty" not some airbrused, nip tucked faces, but genuine beauty. Even now as an adult I'll curl up on the sofa and watch an old film to recapture the inspiration I recieved as a child. Mood:Elated!
Posted by
12:46 PM
Everyone knows that I love to find great bargains everywhere I go. No matter what store it is I always find various hidden treasures for inexpensive prices. Well, one day while browsing through the dollar store on my quest to find yet another hidden treasure, I came across a novel called "Camilla's Roses" by Bernice L. McFadden. I absolutely love this book and the way the author tells this story of a woman name Camilla Rose who must look back over her life and the lives of all the women in her family which she tried so hard to leave behind but can't escape after learning that she may have cancer. I am so very pleased to have had the pleasure of reading this book and even more pleased to find out that the Author Bernice L. McFadden also has a blog on this site called
"Naki" at to learn more about this very talented woman and to see more of her books visit
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8:45 PM
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12:33 PM
Recently while reading an article in a magazine (Jewel Magazine) I had the pleasure of learning about a very talented woman named Lauren Clayton who started her own company creating heirlooms. But not just any kind of heirlooms. Lauren Clayton came up with a new innovative way of documenting and preserving your families history. Lauren creates some of the most magnificent heirlooms in the form of books using pictures, documents, postcards, articles and more. To learn more about Lauren Clayton and her wonderful creations or to have your life preserved visit Mood:Enthused!
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11:31 AM
I am the only artist in my immediate family. Whenever a creative project comes up, whether it's for school, decorating there homes or some other occasion, I am the first person they ask for help. Recently I sketched some illustrations as a favor and had so much fun doing it (as I am anytime I'm creating works of art) that I've decided that I am going to start writing and illustrating my very own books. I don't have any pictures of my own illustrations up yet due to technical problems, but I do have some illustrations from one of my favorite artist Kadir Nelson. Kadir Nelson has done illustrations for several famous authors and actors like Debbie Allen, Will Smith, Spike and Tonya Lee, Micheal Jordan and his wife etc. One of the reasons I find so much pleasure in viewing his work is because he has doesn't limit himself in one genre of art. You've probably seen his work decorating the set of some of your favorite television show and movies like "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air", "Jamie Foxx", "Set It Off", and "Friday just to name a few. He was also the Conceptual Artist for Steven Spielberg's "Amistad" and "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron". Keep up the good work Kadir! See more of his work here Mood: Inspired!
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11:03 AM
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10:07 AM
As an artist I sometimes feel lost in it all! Sometimes I don't always believe in myself as an artist and I see all these wonderful artists out there who know how to market themselves a go for what they want. Me on the other hand..., Sometimes I ask God why wasn't I born with a different gift something where I could make a ton of money, but then I realize I could never truly be happy doing something that I wasn't passionate about and that's art. How could I ever deny that. I've been and artist since the day I picked up a pencil, or when I got sick of the clothes my dolls wore and starting making them new ones. I am art and art is me point blank period. Mood: Inspired!
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7:01 PM
This is my "must have" for this holiday season. Carol's Daughter are products you can use from head to toe. Lisa Price, a beautiful woman of color, has created a multi-million dollar franchise in her very own kitchen. She has appeared on numerous television shows such as The Tyra Show, The View, The Today Show and Oprah. Lisa Price has created over 300 products for hair, (for all my sistas who like to wear their hair natural) face, body, and the home. Tons of celebrities are now using Carol's Daughter products. Including Brad Pitt who uses Lisa's haircare products on his daughter Z,Mary J. Blige and Jada Pinkett Smith are spokespersons for Lisa's products. I must say I haven't tried out these products yet, but you better believe they're on my Christmas list right now. I can wait to lather myself in her famous "Almond Cookie Butter" ummmm!
Mood: Anxious!
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7:36 PM
For those of you who don't know what ANTM is, it stands for America's Next Top Model, one of my favorite reality television shows. Tomorrow is the season's finale to see who will become America's Next Top Model of Cycle 7. I must say this season has been a little disappointing. A lot of the girls were really bad this year. No one took really good pictures that stood out from the rest, so it's kind of hard to say who will win. Whoever it is,they'll never top Ms. Eva Pigford, the best contestant on ANTM to win. So who will it be?...
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5:47 PM
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12:27 PM